We got a publicity piece written about us and our aims in Clonmels' local free newspaper, the South Tipp Today. Much kudos go to Bernie Commins for interviewing some of us and setting up a photo shoot.

However upon seeing the first two words of the headline, we winced. Calling the empty premises of potential landlords 'shabby shops' may well close more doors than it opens.
In fairness Bernie couldn't have been more helpful; she let us preview her article and approve it for publishing. There was a deadline of course, so it had to be a quick perusal. It's a great article that sets out our aims and what we have to offer clearly. If 'shabby shops' had been written in the report, it would have been set in the right context. As I understand the headline is usually written by someone else, apparently someone fond of a snappy bit of alliteration. Its a minor caveat but tis a pity all the same.
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